How do I use Master FTP?

You can use Master FTP to globally unlock your own IP across all your hosting packages. This is so that you don’t need to worry about unlocking FTP for each package each time you need to access them.

To use Master FTP:

  • Create a NysCP User for yourself. 
  • Locate your NysCP User from the list and click Options > Edit.

Choose all the Packages you would like to access via Master FTP, then click ‘Save Permissions’.

  • Click Options > Edit again. This time, scroll to the bottom and you'll see the ‘Unlock Master FTP Access’ section. From here, you can enter your own IP address which will enable you to gain access to all site files via a single login.
  • Choose  ‘Add’ once you've added your IP address.

You can now use the following details to connect via your FTP client:

  • Host:
  • Username: NysCP User Email (e.g.
  • Password: NysCP User Password


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